Friday, 31 May 2013


          Do you have a pc which is used by your family members? do you have any private stuff which you want to hide from them? you dont want to buy paid apps to do your work? do you want something very simple and unique and FREE to do your work? well if yes than you have came to right place guys.

          today i'm going to teach you two easiest ways to hide your private stuff  without any software. so lets get started


          its a really easy one just make a new folder anywhere like this

          now right click and hit rename. and press alt+255 (on the numpad). now the name will be invisible like this

          so now you have a folder with invisible name. lets make it completely invisible. to do that just right click > properties > customize and on the bottom click "change icon". now scrool to the right till you see some blank space. click on it. hit "OK" .

           And there you go guys now you have a private folder where you can hide your stuff ( #if you know what i mean by private stuff )


         this is also a very easy method. for this you need to download  folder protection file . its just 1kb text file. once downloaded open it and look for the line which says "if NOT %pass%== ENTER YOUR PASSWORD HERE goto FAIL" 

in that line after  == type your password for example

now save the file as "name.bat" make sure that you dont forget to put the extension as ".bat"
once done saving the file you will get the file on your desktop. just double click it and you will get your folder called private 

now move all the stuff you want to hide and paste into the "private folder which you just created and then double click on the "bat" file and it will ask you to hide data so hit "y" and hit enter and yout private folder will be hidden. now to unlock your folder once again double click on the "bat" file and type your password and hit enter. now your folder will be visible again. 


so now you have your private folder to hide your data. To move the folder anywhere just make sure that you unlock the  folder and copy both the folder and the bat file together at the same destination.

if you have problem with the written tutorial you can watch the video tutorial on youtube


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